SHEVEGA’S Expert Veterinary Free recipes for healthy dogs.

SHEVEGA free home made diet plans only to be used with SHEVEGA supplements.

  • Ensure you provide regular check-ups for your dog.

  • Note that our SHEVEGA supplements are not for pregnant or lactating dogs or puppies.

  • We provide SHEVEGA formulated custom-made diet plans including for home-made recipes for healthy adult dogs.

  • These recipes are complete and balanced calculated for the optimun body weight of your dog. In case your pet is underweight or overweight please adapt the amount of ingredients based on their optimal body weight.

  • See instructions below.

How to cook for your Adult Dog - Preparation steps

Ingredients - Please see our Table, these can be cooked or stir-fried for 3-5 minutes. 
SHEVEGA recommends that you provide softly cooked carrots daily, and as part of the Vegetable source.
Warning: No onions, or onion powder, (check carefully if using stock cubes) including all types of onions-fennels, spring onions, garlic. No avocado, macadamia nuts, grapes, raisins, sultanas, hot spices, chocolate, cacao, no cooked or any hollowed bones to be given.
Body weight adjustment: If your dog’s body weight is not exactly like we presented in the Tables, and it is for example 19 kg. See our SHEVEGA diet plan for dog’s body weight of 15 kg and 23 kg and provide ingredients which are average of the two weights. 

We recommend that you weigh your dog weekly for the first month and if there is weight loss and it is under the optimal weight, please add an additional 10% of food daily. Alternatively decrease by 10% in case of unwanted weight gain until the optimal weight is achieved. Please ensure that you weigh your dog every week until you find the best amount required to maintain an optimal weight. 

Food transition in Adult Dogs: Any change in the type of food, ingredient, or food (even within the same brand!) requires careful food transition. If you are transferring your dog from one diet to another, do that over 10-14 days by adding 10 % of the new food to the old diet and increasing it slowly every day. If you notice any adverse reactions, like diarrhoea or vomiting please contact your vet immediately.

Basic home-made food formulas for every adult dog on any diet type, excluding the Raw, Keto and Plant-based diets. Compliant with the AAFCO and FEDIEF standards for adult dog nutritional requirements.

Create your own home-made adult food- Ingredients

Please see the Table below and you will see the percentage required of each of the key food groups as listed in the first column – ONLY WITH SHEVEGA SUPPLEMENTS