SHEVEGA Pet Parents


“My 4 year old Rescue Great Dane 'Cora' and my old and demented 14 yearly “Foxie” have greatly benefited from your mind-blowing courses. I have applied all the learning, valuable information, instruction & methodology to my Kennel's in-house diets & cooking and for our many hundreds of canine monthly visitors boarding through our Kennels. I definitely can see a reduction in their canine anxiety, calmer behavioural patterns, glossy coats and more!.”— Rosemary H (Australia)

“SHEVEGA is a wonderful and passionate advocate for a plant based diet and for our pets. SHEVEGA is making a much needed difference in the world by educating on reducing the carbon footprint as well as our pets paw print. I am always so inspired by SHEVEGA’s dedication and hard work, and also by the delicious doggy recipes which I started feeding to my own pug, Gracie. ”— Camilla B (England)

Raffa has been on (SHEVEGA supplements for the past two months. His coat is shinier, and he seems to have more of a spring in his step. Raffa loves the flavour and sits at the fridge waiting for his "treat". I love that they are good for him. I have no hesitation in recommending SHEVEGA SUPPLEMENTS. The ingredients are of high quality, clean, and formulated to address nutritional imbalances. SHEVEGA supplements are convenient, excellent value and the advice is priceless. — Susan B (Gold Coast)

Rosemary is passionate about fur babies in her care at the kennels in Gold Coast, Australia. And to ensure that her guests are in the best of health, happy and full of life - she treats them to homemade irresistibly tasty plant-based diets which are specially prepared in her kitchen; formulated using our SHEVEGA diet plans and SHEVEGA supplements.

Rosemary House

SHEVEGA has been great at providing guidance on a balanced nutritional diet that has helped my dog immensely. Thank you.—Kirsty Whittaker (Australia)

“I am a vet and I was on SHEVEGA’s workshop where I was introduced to these elite supplements and I highly recommend them. I tried them on my dog and I am already seeing the benefits.”— MARTHA (Australia)

SHEVEGA is passionate about being an impactful business and doing the right thing”.— Narumi O (Los Angeles)


“SHEVEGA is on a mission to educate, empower and through the best supplements available to ensure that our pets retain optimal health and prevent unnecessary health conditions and vet visits - my Saber & Lighty are on these supplements!!”

Kim G (Australia)

“Our dog Topaz was diagnosed with kidney disease two years ago. She had previously been on a low-fat diet after having pancreatitis years earlier. Our regular vet recommended several prescription vet foods that did not work for her (from ID to KD, ZD, WD, JD, TD...)…Since starting SHEVEGA -Topaz has been healthy and energetic and her blood levels have been generally stable..”—Elizabeth A (Australia)

“SHEVEGA was borne from the desire to do the right thing and create cruelty free products for pet parents as well as educate people on a new way of flourishing away from old paradigms”— Erica (Cancun)

SHEVEGA’s Art of Being course provided facts on the journey of a plant based life and encouraged and inspired me to start the plant based journey in earnest!— Irma S (Croatia)

“Thanks so much for checking in! Riley has been feeling more like his normal self lately, and is much more comfortable on the foot now, post op. He isn’t back to full exercise yet, but is doing exceptionally well so far. I’ve also attached a photo of Riley here - one from before surgery, and one from right after. He says thank you so much for all of your care and expertise to support his healing journey. He is also grateful that your incredible communication has helped ease his mommas worries, as he just hates it when I am concerned for him.”

Katie G (USA)