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SHEVEGA supplements and carbon footprint

Writer's picture: SHEVEGA PetsSHEVEGA Pets

Updated: Sep 20, 2024

It is rare to find anyone currently who is not aware of climate change whether they accept it or not is another matter. 

When we think of climate change and what we can do to reduce our impact is to reduce our carbon footprint. 

Carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide (burning of fossil fuels) released into the atmosphere as a result of [an individuals] activity.

A Pawprint is your pet’s carbon print. 

The human carbon and paw prints relate to the amount of greenhouse gases (GHG) produced to, directly and indirectly, support an individuals or pet’s lifestyle. It is measured in tons of CO2 in a year. Now when you think of carbon print, think of all the consumption, production, manufacture, materials, transport and more related to that lifestyle. 

It is not easy to measure and calculate accurately carbon prints but reducing our need for consumption and living mindfully are some of the many positive steps that we can take. 

And our mission at SHEVEGA is to start with making the biggest impact,  that is by empowering and educating pet owners to eliminate meat from theirs and their pet’s diets safely, intelligently and with absolute confidence and joy!

We are aware that it is difficult to find the time to cook 100% of the time just for your pets – many of us don’t have the opportunity to have home cooked meals for ourselves let alone cooking entirely for our pets. 

And for that reason, we have created supplements that are expert vet formulated and designed by ethical vegan and experts in sustainability.  So, the formulation of the supplements allow you to reduce your carbon and paw print because you can use the SHEVEGA supplements for:

  1. 100% plant-based meal that you can share with your pet – thus reducing the carbon print 

  2. 50% plant-based meal with 50% commercial (dry/wet) plant-based dogfood – again reducing your carbon footprint because you are not using meat products.

We need to supplement commercial dog food because the high temperatures and long shelf life of the dog food means that we are not feeding optimal food to our pets and because we love our pets we want the best for our pets and that includes healthy happy long lives - pets are family. 

  1. And for those who are beginners and are feeding 100% non-plant-based commercial food we will help you on the journey and we start by teaching you how to supplement to ensure that you pet has optimal health and can then transition to a plant-based diet as well as empower you to cook delicious and irresistibly tasty meals not only for you, the family but also for your pets – because Pets are Family. 

This all is part of our mission to reduce our carbon and paw print – join us in our MISSION. 

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